… And, I didn’t do quite as good of a job as I wanted to. Like all experiments, I started off the assignment totally gung-ho! I was just going to clean it and keep it clean – how hard could that be? As it turns out, harder than I thought. They say it takes 21 days to change a habit – apparently I didn’t make it 21 days as my habits have not really changed. I did keep the bedroom neat and the bed made for about 2 weeks and, in that time, some cool things happened. On the first day of the experiment, a friend of mine was cleaning out her closet and gave me a bunch of clothes that didn’t fit anymore. I felt like this was prime example of ‘make space in your life so better things can enter’. Score 1 for me! I also noticed that my husband and I seemed less tense and more relaxed – coincidence? We’d have to wait and see if keeping the room clean and organized would continue that trend. And then we had a morning where we slept in and I felt I just couldn’t spare 30 seconds to make the bed. And then another morning passed and another…. and soon, old habits had returned. And I thought “I can’t write a blog about this. I failed! What kind of an organizer am I?” And then I remembered that I tell my clients all the time: Changing habits does not happen over night. You need to continue to do as much as you can, when you can and soon it will become easier. And stop expecting yourself to be perfect. So I will give myself a break, but will continue to aim for a tidy and neat Master Bedroom because who knows what it will bring?